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Media and buffer preparation

For your lab’s research to move forward, you first rely on the critical workflow of consistent media and buffer preparation to achieve traceable, repeatable results. With Avantor, work with a partner with a long history of high purity chemicals, reagents, and solvent manufacturing - available globally through our channel brand, VWR - with customizable on- and off-site media and buffer preparation and GMP manufacturing expertise.  Regardless of scale, your project research, media, and outcome can rely on Avantor’s dedication to high quality and consistency from discovery to delivery.

Repeatable results at scale

Working with Avantor, your work is fortified by accredited scientific teams supporting your research outcomes at every stage, from initial beaker phase to custom bulk media and buffer manufacturing:

  1. Insource service models supported by Avantor on-site personnel, creating cost-effective, reliable results occurring in parallel with your other in-house research activities
  2. Fully customizable buffer preparation to your protocol and guidelines, delivering the highest quality within GMP standards
  3. Incremental, scalable production support to meet output objectives:
    • At initial research and development, smallest quantities such as 1 liter, cost-effectively prepared by our on-site general lab services teams
    • At scale-up, medium quantities such as 20 liters, when process efficiencies, accuracy, and timeframes begin to factor into production requirements
    • At production start-up, larger quantities such as 200 liters can be produced off-site on a custom basis
    • Bulk manufacturing, largest quantities such as 2,000 liters are needed to fulfill scope requirements

At Avantor, we assist customers with manufacturing process development and implementation to ensure optimal project results, including overall cost savings derived from larger batch production. These services can be further customized to bridge the readiness gap that sometimes occurs between production start-up and full scale bulk manufacturing.

Accelerate your research with customizable media and buffer preparation you can rely on. To get started, contact us today.

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