102 Results for: "benchtop autoclaves"
Ward’s® Automatic Autoclave Series
Supplier: VWR International
Three convenient options for benchtop sterilization.
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VWR® Support Jacks, Stainless Steel
Supplier: VWR International
Stainless steel lab jacks are ideal for use in fume hoods or benchtops.
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VWR® Laboratory Autoclaves with Stainless Steel Chamber
Supplier: VWR International
The VWR® Autoclaves are ideal for sterilization of media, liquid, glassware, plasticware and other common research laboratory items. Available in 8, 18, 23 and 28 L chamber volumes, the range meets small to medium size applications in a space saving benchtop design.
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BioClave™ Benchtop Autoclaves, Chemglass
Supplier: Chemglass
Steam sterilization is convenient and affordable with the new BioClave™ digital research autoclaves.
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BenchBin™ Benchtop Biohazard Bin
Supplier: MTC BIO, INC.
The BenchBin™ is a compact, convenient, and safe biohazard bin for the benchtop or workstation.
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Laboratory Benchtop Autoclaves, Kinematica
Supplier: Kinematica
These bench-top autoclaves not only fit on any laboratory bench, the chamber is also designed to achieve optimum loading capacity with many standard bottles (Schott) and Erlenmeyer flasks.
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Laboratory Line Benchtop Autoclaves, 230 V, Heidolph Tuttnauer
Supplier: Heidolph NA, LLC
These autoclaves have been designed to provide high quality repeatable performance and accountability for a wide range of applications used in modern laboratories,
which include:
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SP Bel-Art Clavies™ Bag Clips, Bel-Art Products, a part of SP
Supplier: Bel-Art Products, a Part of SP
Stiff plastic design provides secure closure for autoclave bags yet allows release of internal pressure that develops during autoclave cycle.
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Accessories for BioClave™ Benchtop Autoclaves, Chemglass
Supplier: Chemglass
Printer for CLS-1191-016
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SP Bel-Art Bench-Top Biohazard Bags, Bel-Art Products, a part of SP
Supplier: Bel-Art Products, a Part of SP
Bright red, autoclavable bags feature one long flap for easy opening. Printed with the biohazard symbol and sterilization indicator patch, they are made of High Molecular Weight, High-Density (HMHD) polyethylene.
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Accessories for Laboratory Benchtop Autoclaves, Kinematica
Supplier: Kinematica
Adapter Allows Use Of Old-Style Pt 10-35 Generators (Pta Style) With The New Model Pt 10-35 Gt(Requires Chrome Lock Nut - 11090014)
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SP Bel-Art Cryo Tower Storage Systems, Bel-Art Products, a part of SP
Supplier: Bel-Art Products, a Part of SP
These polycarbonate storage towers are ideal for benchtop or incubator use, transportation, freezer, and general-purpose storage.
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SP Bel-Art Microcentrifuge Tube Ice Rack/Tray and Cover, Bel-Art Products, a part of SP
Supplier: Bel-Art Products, a Part of SP
This tray with rack insert can accommodate up to fifty 1.5 mL tubes (or other tubes with a diameter less than 12 mm) for large volume benchtop processing.
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SP Bel-Art Poxygrid® Bench-Top Biohazard Bag Holder Kit, Bel-Art Products, a Part of SP
Supplier: Bel-Art Products, a Part of SP
Economical and convenient, this benchtop disposal system is perfect for collecting pipette tips, microcentrifuge tubes, etc. during daily use.
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PCR-Cooler and PCR Racks
Supplier: Eppendorf
Eppendorf PCR-Racks for safe PCR sample storage/transport with color coding for easy identification - ideal for 0.1, 0.2, 0.5 ml tubes/strips. The PCR-Cooler keeps samples cool for 1hr+ post 2hrs in -20 °C, with temperature indicator for sample safety.
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Nalgene® Syringe/In-Line Filters, PTFE, 50 mm, Thermo Scientific
Supplier: Thermo Fisher Scientific
For filtration of air, gases, and aggressive chemicals, including acids and non-aqueous solvents.
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SP Bel-Art Double-Sided, 96-Well - 0.5, 1.5 and 2.0 ml MicrocentrifugeTube Racks, Bel-Art®, Bel-Art Products, a part of SP
Supplier: Bel-Art Products, a Part of SP
Double-sided, compact polypropylene plastic racks are perfect for use on the benchtop or in the freezer.
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SP Bel-Art Biohazard Disposal Can with Lift-up Cover, Bel-Art Products, a part of SP
Supplier: Bel-Art Products, a Part of SP
Bright red safety disposal container is suitable for biological/biohazard materials, broken glass, recyclables or other waste and sized for benchtop or floor placement.
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SP Bel-Art ProCulture Tissue Culture Flask Racks, Bel-Art Products, a part of SP
Supplier: Bel-Art Products, a Part of SP
These polypropylene racks hold 25 cc, 75 cc (50 - 75 ml or 250 - 260 ml) or similar sized tissue culture flasks in a vertical position.
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SP Bel-Art ProCulture Petri Dish Rack, 60 mm, Bel-Art Products, a part of SP
Supplier: Bel-Art Products, a Part of SP
This rack is useful for safe transport and incubation of 60 mm Petri dishes and helps to streamline benchtop sample processing.
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Tuttnauer 2540ET Benchtop Autoclave with Closed Door Drying
Supplier: Heidolph NA, LLC
Digital display sterilizers are ideal for sterilizing wrapped and unwrapped solid, hollow, or porous loads.
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Terminal® Biohazard Benchtop Keeper™ Containers, Whitney Products
Supplier: Whitney Products
Use large or small containers for the collection of biohazardous items such as pipet tips, petri dishes, test tubes, and slides.
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Lab Line ELC-PV-G Free Standing Autoclaves, Heidolph Tuttnauer
Supplier: Heidolph NA, LLC
Lab Line ELC-PV-G Free Standing Autoclaves with Cooling Coils 'C', Vacuum Pump 'PV' and an integrated steam generator 'G'.
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DRNAse Free™ Surface Decontaminant, Cole Parmer
Supplier: Argos Technologies
Instantly eliminate RNase and DNase from labware and surfaces.
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SP Bel-Art Contact Plate Rack, 72 mm, Bel-Art Products, a part of SP
Supplier: Bel-Art Products, a Part of SP
Safely transport, incubate, and store up to 60 contact plates with lids up to 72 mm in diameter (RODAC®, Becton Dickinson) and streamline benchtop sample processing.
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SP Bel-Art Benchtop Biohazard Disposal Can with Motion Sensor Lid, Bel-Art Products, a part of SP
Supplier: Bel-Art Products, a Part of SP
Compact benchtop disposal can contains odors and is perfect for small items such as pipette tips and microcentrifuge tubes.
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Terminal® Broken Glass Benchtop Keeper™ Container, Whitney Products
Supplier: Whitney Products
For the safe collection of non-biohazardous broken glass
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SP Bel-Art Poxygrid® Petri Dish and Contact Plate Racks, Bel-Art Products, a part of SP
Supplier: Bel-Art Products, a Part of SP
Ideal for organizing laboratory environments, these welded steel wire racks are available in multiple sizes and configurations.
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SP Bel-Art Petri Dish Rack, 100 mm, White Polypropylene, Bel-Art Products, a part of SP
Supplier: Bel-Art Products, a Part of SP
Safely transports, incubates, and stores 100 mm Petri dishes and helps to streamline benchtop sample processing.
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RNase AWAY® and DNA AWAY™ Surface Decontaminants, Molecular BioProducts
Supplier: Thermo Scientific
RNase AWAY® eliminates RNase and DNA from laboratory surfaces