You searched for: Paleontology Models
Study the remains of ages long since passed with fossilized prehistoric creature models. Pore over the bones of early hominids, the claws of dinosaurs, and the internal structures of fossilized fish preserved forever in sharp relief. With well-prepared reconstructions of everything from small algal creatures to enormous terrestrial animals, the paleontology model selection is bound to support classroom discussions and lessons. Durable representations can endure handling from all ages.
Algal Dolomite (Silurian)
Supplier: Avantor
Sawn and lacquered slabs showing finely banded stromatolitic structures.
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Nemiana simplex (Precambrian)
Supplier: Avantor
Well defined cast of mutliple disc–shaped vendozoans collected from the Ediacaran beds near Kamenez–Podolskiy, Ukraine.
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Ivesheadia sp. (Precambrian)
Supplier: Avantor
Rare cast of this early medusiform vendozoan from the precambrian ediacaran beds of the mistaken point formation. Cape race, Newfoundland.
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Fusulinid Study Slab (Permian)
Supplier: Avantor
Fusulinid Study Slab (Permian)
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Somso® Hominids Skull Restoration Series
Supplier: Avantor
Trace the Evolution of Humans with Accurate Reconstructions
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Charniodiscus concentricus (Precambrian)
Supplier: Avantor
Detailed resin cast of this spindle–shaped vendozoan form from the Precambrian Ediacaran beds of Cape Race, Newfoundland.
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Diatom Strew Set
Supplier: Avantor
It has set of four transparent diatom strew slides: fossil freshwater, fossil marine, recent freshwater, and recent marine.
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Xiphactinus audax (Cretaceous)
Supplier: Avantor
This species of very large predatory fish swam the oceans of the Late Cretaceous some 90 million years ago.
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Archaeocyathid (Atikokania) sp. (Lower Cambrian)
Supplier: Avantor
Detailed replica of an etched limestone slab containing multiple cross–sections of these extinct Lower Cambrian reef–building organisms, possibly of the genus Atikokania. Australia.
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Ward's® Porosity and Permeability of Soils Model
Supplier: Avantor
A Variety of Soil-Study Investigations
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Bone Clones® Hominids Skull Series
Supplier: Avantor
The most complete series of human ancestry.
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Trilobite Order Collection
Supplier: Avantor
Now you can bring some of the finest museum-quality specimens into your classroom at an economical cost with WARD'S life-like fossil reproductions. Nearly all of the reproductions in this impressive series are cast in durable plastic resin, and are hand-painted in colors designed to capture every detail of the original.
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Ammonites (Jurassic)
Small pyritized, size: 1/2" to 3/4". Russia.
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Homonid/Great Ape Skull Replica Series
Remarkably Accurate and Detailed Half-Scale Resin Models
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Rastellum carinatum (Cretaceous)
Supplier: Avantor
Very distinctive whole fossil oyster shell, commonly called the "denture clam". Average size: 2 1/2" long. Madagascar. (Limited Edition)
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Tyrannosaurus rex Tooth
At 12 m long and weighing 7250 kilograms, the T. rex was the largest meat-eating animal that ever lived.
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Bone Clones® Set of 6 Fossil Hominid Tools from East Africa
1.5 to 1.2 MYA. This set of 6 Oldowan and Acheulean artifacts includes hand axes, choppers, a cleaver and spheroid tool from East Africa.
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BoneClones® How We Got Here Skull Sets
Designed based upon the Science magazine Inquiry Based Instruction (IBI) award winning lab, “How We Got Here: An Inquiry-Based Activity About Human Evolution” (Price, Science, Dec. 21st, 2012, Issue 338(6114):p1554-55), students collect and analyze data from the replica skulls to uncover and correct fundamental misconceptions about evolution.
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Bone Clones® Fossil Hominid Tools set of 6
Set of 6 fossil hominid tools.