You searched for: CO₂ Incubators
CO2 incubators are designed to maintain adequate interior moisture to prevent the drying out of cultures. Since desiccation results in sample loss, the conditions within the chambers can be easily modified and controlled. Most small to mid-sized incubators use humidity pans to produce humidity through evaporation, creating the high humidity levels that encourage culture growth. The CO2 incubators guarantee that the stored specimen remain viable for testing applications.
VWR® Premium CO₂ Incubators
Supplier: VWR International
The VWR® Premium CO₂ incubators are suitable for routine cell cultivation applications in the field of cell production, particularly in academic settings. They are contamination proof due to the 180 °C hot air sterilization cycle and feature highly pH stable conditions thanks to drift-free infrared CO₂ measurements conducted in real time.
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VWR® Air Jacketed CO₂ Incubator, Basic
Supplier: VWR International
The VWR® Air Jacket CO2 Incubator Basic delivers value and performance for everyday cell culture applications by providing a reliable growth environment with added convenience of on-demand high heat decontamination.
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VWR® CO₂ Incubated Shaker
Supplier: VWR International
VWR® CO₂ incubated shaker with CO₂ control.
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VWR® Air Jacketed CO₂ Incubator, Mini
Supplier: VWR International
The VWR® Air Jacketed CO2 Incubator Mini is ideal for use as a personal incubator or for low volume applications in a space constrained working environment.
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VWR® Air Jacketed CO₂ Incubators
Supplier: VWR International
Enhanced safety features include HEPA filtration and high heat sterilization cycle. The VWR® Air Jacketed CO2 Incubator offers two levels of security for your valuable cell cultures.
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VWR® Water Jacketed CO₂ Incubators
Supplier: VWR International
The VWR® Water Jacketed CO2 incubator protects your cultures from unwanted heat loss by surrounding them with triple-walled construction and a jacket of temperature-conditioned water.
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PHCbi Cell-IQ™ MCO-50M-PA Multigas Incubator, PHC Corporation
Supplier: PHC Corporation
The Cell-IQ™ MCO-50M-PA multigas incubator has been engineered to precisely and accurately control CO₂, O₂, and temperature for optimal culturing conditions.
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Heracell i CO₂ Incubators with Variable O₂ Control, Thermo Scientific
Supplier: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Heracell i CO₂ incubators with variable control of oxygen stimulate cell behaviors that are more predictive of the in vivo environment. Available in a choice of two ranges of O₂ control, 1 to 21% for physiological levels and 5 to 90% for hyperoxic studies.each is supplied with maintenance free zirconia oxide sensor is calibrated automatically and remains in place during the ContraCon high temperature decontamination, and a unique gas tight segmented inner door assembly enables access sections of the chamber without disturbing the entire environment to minimize recovery time, contamination risk, and gas consumption.
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Heracell VIOS 250i CO₂ Incubators, Thermo Scientific
Supplier: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Designed to achieve your next breakthrough. Better solutions for optimal cell growth, VIOS CO₂ incubators provide the ideal in-vitro environment.
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Memmert CO₂ Incubator ICO Series
Supplier: Memmert
Expert precision and control. High-end functions for the protection of cultures.
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GelJacket™ Stackable CO₂ Incubators, 7404 Series, Caron Products
Supplier: Caron Products
Caron’s GelJacket is a high-volume, controlled humidity CO2 incubator that replaces conventional water jacketed units as the benchmark for critical culture protection.
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PHCbi CellIQ™ Multigas CO₂/O₂ Incubator, PHC Corporation
Supplier: Avantor
Multigas (CO₂/O₂) incubator optimizes mammalian cell cultures through variable O2 control to better mimic in vivo conditions. The incubator helps you achieve more accurate results by culturing your cells at physiological oxygen levels.
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CO₂ Incubators with Hot Air Sterilization, CB-S Solid.Line Series, Binder
Supplier: Binder
The durable and affordable CB-S series incubators are suitable for routine cell cultivation applications in the field of cell production, particularly in academic settings. They are contamination proof due to the 180 °C hot air sterilization cycle and reliably pH stable thanks to drift-free infrared CO₂ measurements conducted in real time.
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CO₂ Incubators with Hot Air Sterilization and Humidity Regulation, CBF Series, Binder
Supplier: Binder
The CBF series CO₂ incubators are the premium series of CO₂ incubators with humidity control. Units are suitable for all sensitive incubation applications and ensure optimal cell growth in GMP environments. A CBF series CO₂ incubator can be used for complex cultivation experiments or individual environments with hypoxic conditions thanks to the comprehensive range of options and accessories. Units ensure consistent results including in cell-based assays with multiwell plates.
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Reach-In CO₂ Incubators, Caron Products
Supplier: Caron Products
Caron's revised 7400-Series Reach-in CO2 Incubators–high-precision incubation, now available in full-size.
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PHCbi Cell IQ™ CO₂ Incubator with Optional H₂O₂ Vapor Decontamination
Supplier: PHC Corporation
The PHCbi Brand CO₂ incubator design and touchscreen panel deliver exceptional ease of use, effortless cleaning and maintenance as well as outstanding performance with multi-level contamination control.
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Laboratory CO₂ Incubators, Air Jacketed/IR Sensor, Shel Lab, Sheldon
Supplier: Sheldon Manufacturing
This units is well-suited for roller bottle apparatus and high-volume tissue culture applications and is ideal for cell harvesting.
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Benchmark Scientific™ ST-180 CO₂ Incubators
Supplier: Alkali Scientific
Ensure precise CO₂ regulation with Benchmark Scientific™ ST-180 CO₂ incubators, featuring a 180 L capacity.
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Heracell VIOS 160i CO₂ Incubators, Cell Locker System, Thermo Scientific
Supplier: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Enhancing the advanced features of the Heracell 160i CO₂ incubator, the Cell Locker System is a breakthrough for cultures in frequently opened or shared use incubators.
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Water-Jacketed CO₂ Incubators, Shel Lab, Sheldon
Supplier: Sheldon Manufacturing
SCO water jacketed CO₂ incubators provide the uniform temperatures and highly stable CO₂ environments necessary to prevent shocks to cell samples. Copper gas plumbing and a glass viewing door enhance the SCO water jacket CO₂ incubators with extensive protection against microbiological contamination.
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PHCbi CytoGROW CO₂ Incubators, PHC Corporation
Supplier: PHC Corporation
PHCbi's CytoGrow CO₂ incubator offers a high performance solution for mainstream cell culture applications in the research environment where precise control and contamination resistance are critical.
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Large Capacity CO₂ Roll-In Incubator, Bellco Glass
Supplier: Bellco Glass
This unit is well-suited for roller bottle apparatus and high-volume tissue culture applications and is ideal for cell harvesting.
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Heracell VIOS 160i CO₂ Incubators, Thermo Scientific
Supplier: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Designed to achieve your next breakthrough. Better solutions for optimal cell growth, VIOS CO₂ incubators provide the ideal in-vitro environment.
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Heracell i CO₂ Incubators with Optional O₂ Control, Thermo Scientific
Supplier: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thermo Scientific Heracell i CO₂ incubators protect valuable samples while optimizing cell growth featuring 100% pure copper or stainless steel chambers for ideal in-vitro environment.
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CellXpert® C170i Cell Culture CO₂ Incubators
Supplier: Eppendorf
Save costs and deliver results. The CellXpert® C170i CO₂ incubator helps save money (no expandable parts like HEPA filters, UV lamps, etc.). Keep contaminants away with the 180 °C high-temp disinfection. Grow your cells consistently with fast recovery, uniform temperature, and no vibration from a fan.
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AIREA™ Dry-Wall Stackable CO₂ Incubator, Crystal Technologies
The air jacketed, dry wall, stackable AIREA CO₂ Incubator with advanced controls and smart features is designed to provide the best support for a variety of cell culture applications with precise control of temperature and CO₂ concentration. Smart capabilities in the intuitive and innovative color touchscreen user interface and remote monitoring accessory simplify its use.
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CellXpert® C170 Cell Culture CO₂ Incubators
Supplier: Eppendorf
No room for contamination. The CellXpert C170 CO₂ incubator has a seamless chamber with no fan and an easy-to-clean interior with 140 °C High-temperature disinfection. Grow your cells consistently with fast recovery and temperature uniformity for more reproducible results.
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Heracell i CO₂ Incubators, Thermo Scientific
Supplier: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thermo Scientific Heracell i CO₂ incubators combines optimal culturing conditions with simplicity and ease of use.
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Reach-in CO₂ Incubators for Shakers, Caron Products
Supplier: Caron Products
Caron's Reach-in CO2 Incubators are optimized for suspension and scale up cell culture applications that require agitation or shaking so nutrients are distributed throughout the culture media. Ready to accommodate shakers inside, these CO2 incubators provide optimum environmental conditions for precise and reproducible results.
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Humidified Incubators, 7003 Series, Caron Products
Supplier: Caron Products
Caron’s Heated and Humidified Incubators are ideal for a wide range of applications that require precise control of above ambient conditions, such as biological culture testing and environmental studies.