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5 results for Analog Hygrometers

You searched for: Analog Hygrometers

Analog Hygrometers

Analog hygrometers provide easy-to-read humidity and temperature readings. These devices are constantly monitoring work facilities or within enclosed equipment for ideal conditions. In thermometer-style filled tubes or dial formats, the environmental displays do not require adjustment or maintenance. A durable construction allows the versatile tools to be used inside or outside. Capable of mounting to wall, the analog hygrometers can be read even from a distance.

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VWR® Laboratory Hygrometer/Thermometer

VWR® Laboratory Hygrometer/Thermometer

Supplier: VWR International

Durable hygrometer/thermometer is encased in stainless steel and can withstand conditions in incubators, refrigerators, and freezers.

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Supplier: Taylor Precision Products

Built to Last for Years

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Mason's Hygrometer, Red Liquid, Sper Scientific

Mason's Hygrometer, Red Liquid, Sper Scientific

Supplier: Sper Scientific

The red liquid Mason's hygrometer uses a safe and easy to read red liquid in place of the usual mercury. Dual scales of -10/50°C and 10/120°F.

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Oakton® Large-Dial Thermohygrometer, Cole-Parmer

Oakton® Large-Dial Thermohygrometer, Cole-Parmer

Supplier: Argos Technologies

This large-dial thermohygrometer allows you to view temperature from a distance.

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Dial Hygrometer/Thermometer, Sper Scientific

Dial Hygrometer/Thermometer, Sper Scientific

Supplier: Sper Scientific

Lab or classroom hygrometer/thermometer.

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