You searched for: Centrifuges
Centrifuges generate the rapid spinning force needed to separate mixture contents with different densities. Low density particles and substances rise to the surface while the heavier components settle at the bottom. Centrifuges come in compact benchtop and microcentrifuge options, or larger floor-standing models to fit any work space and plate or tube sample sizes and capacities. Precisely control the rotation speed of any of the different spin methods. Styles may additionally include refrigeration or pulse spin capabilities. VWR offers wide variety of high performing centrifuges from general purpose compact benchtop models to high-speed and powerful systems that guarantee reliable performance. Centriguation rotors of fixed angle, vertical and swing-bucket are available.
VWR® Fixed Angle General Purpose Centrifuge
Supplier: VWR International
A compact general purpose centrifuge that is ideal for research and clinical applications.
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VWR® STAT 6 Clinical Centrifuge
Supplier: VWR International
VWR STAT clinical benchtop centrifuges spin samples in 5 minutes or less for the most urgent chemistry and haematology testing.
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VWR® Laboratory Centrifuge
Supplier: VWR International
Versatile and economical, the VWR® Laboratory Centrifuge accepts up to 6 interchangeable rotors providing flexibility and ease of use.
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VWR® Laboratory Centrifuge
Supplier: VWR International
Versatile and economical, the VWR® Laboratory Centrifuge accepts up to 6 interchangeable rotors providing flexibility and ease of use.
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VWR® Mega Star 1.6 General Purpose 1.6 L Benchtop Centrifuges
Supplier: VWR International
Optimize projects with the Mega Star 1.6 general purpose centrifuge series. These versatile compact benchtop centrifuges provide maximum sample security and reproducibility in an intuitive, easy to use platform. Choose between a ventilated or refrigerated compact benchtop 1.6 L model, sold as an individual centrifuge or a package, to enhance productivity.
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VWR® Benchtop General Purpose Centrifuges
Supplier: VWR International
This compact benchtop unit offers laboratories a true workflow benefit due to its vast capabilities as mid-sized, general purpose, tabletop centrifuge.
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VWR® One Spin Mobile Clinical Centrifuge
Supplier: VWR International
Mobile centrifuge powered directly from a vehicle’s 12 V electrical supply to provide high quality, horizontal processing for mobile phlebotomists.
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VWR® Compact Micro Centrifuges
Supplier: VWR International
These compact microcentrifuges are ideal for DNA, RNA, and temperature-sensitive samples.
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VWR® Mini Centrifuges
Supplier: VWR International
The VWR® Mini Centrifuge is designed for quick spin-downs of microcentrifuge tubes and PCR strips and tubes.
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VWR® Clinical Centrifuge for Blood Banking, Serology 12
Supplier: VWR International
The only drop-in replacement for a best selling blood banking centrifuge. Perfect for all blood typing and cross-matching activities, the serology 12 integrates into any laboratory with minimal process changes.
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VWR® STAT 6 Clinical Centrifuge for STAT Processing
Supplier: VWR International
Powerful STAT processing and simple controls in a small footprint. Ideal for laboratories where space is tight.
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VWR® One Spin Clinical Centrifuge with Timer
Supplier: VWR International
Offers single-speed processing, simple controls, and an adjustable mechanical timer to meet a variety of blood specimen preparation needs.
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VWR® Flexible 12 Routine Clinical Centrifuge
Supplier: VWR International
Designed to satisfy the most diverse processing requirements of the routine laboratory, especially when space is tight. See cycle status at a glance with the digital display and LED lid lighting system.
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VWR® Flexible 24 Routine Clinical Centrifuge
Supplier: VWR International
The workhorse of the routine laboratory. Spin all common blood and urine tubes up to 50 ml, right out of the box. Program up to 10 cycles, or adjust settings on the fly with the convenient digital display.
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VWR® Flexible 6 Fixed Angle Routine Clinical Centrifuge
Supplier: VWR International
Fully digital display and up to 10 programmable cycles for flexible fixed angle processing in the routine laboratory. Easily save and select your custom time, RPM, and g-force settings.
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VWR® STAT 12 Programmable Clinical Centrifuge for STAT Processing
Supplier: VWR International
Easily monitor cycle status down to the very last second and modify settings on the fly using the digital display and timer. LED lid lights indicate cycle status at a glance.
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VWR® STAT 4 Clinical Centrifuge
Supplier: VWR International
VWR STAT clinical benchtop centrifuges spin samples in 5 minutes or less for the most urgent chemistry and haematology testing.
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VWR® Mega Star 600 and 600R Small Bench Centrifuges and Packages
Supplier: VWR International
VWR® Mega Star 600 Ventilated and 600R Refrigerated Small Bench Centrifuge optimize bench space with maximized capacity in a compact footprint. Available in both a ventilated and refrigerated option, units come with a user-friendly interface and are adaptable in the ever evolving clinical and research laboratory.
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VWR® STAT Coag Clinical Centrifuge
Supplier: VWR International
VWR STAT clinical benchtop centrifuges spin samples in 5 minutes or less for the most urgent chemistry and haematology testing.
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VWR® Plate Centrifuge
Supplier: VWR International
Spins at 2500 rpm/ 850xg, to quickly spin down droplets and condensation in PCR plates.
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VWR® Flexible 6 Routine Clinical Centrifuge
Supplier: VWR International
Completely customizable to suit the unique needs of any routine laboratory. Monitor remaining cycle time on the digital display and program cycle parameters on the fly.
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VWR® PCR Plate Spinners
Supplier: VWR International
The VWR® PCR plate spinner offers a personal-sized centrifuge designed to spin down PCR plates.
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VWR® Mega Star 4.0 General Purpose 4 L Benchtop Centrifuges
Supplier: VWR International
Optimize projects with the Mega Star 4.0 general purpose centrifuge series. These versatile, high capacity benchtop centrifuges provide maximum sample security and reproducibility in an intuitive, easy to use platform. Choose between a ventilated or refrigerated 4.0 L model, sold as an individual centrifuge or a package, to optimize bench space and productivity.
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VWR® One Spin Clinical Centrifuge
Supplier: VWR International
The world’s best-selling clinical laboratory centrifuge designed to provide the ideal pre-analytic sample processing performance for all common blood tubes up to 75 to 100 mm (3 to 10 ml) with the press of just one button.
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VWR® STAT Coag Clinical Centrifuge for STAT Coag Processing
Supplier: VWR International
Compact benchtop STAT centrifuge with fixed-angle rotor for rapid COAG/PPP processing. Simple to operate with status tracker lid lighting.
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VWR® Mini Centrifuges, 230 V
Supplier: VWR International
The VWR® Mini Centrifuge is designed for quick spin-downs of microcentrifuge tubes and PCR strips and tubes.
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VWR® PCR Plate Centrifuge II
Supplier: VWR International
Quickly spins down droplets in PCR plates maximizing PCR yield.
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VWR® Micro Star 21 and 21R Microcentrifuges
Supplier: VWR International
VWR® Micro Star 21 ventilated and 21R refrigerated microcentrifuge with 24×1.5/2.0 ml rotor with ClickSeal™ biocontainment lid offer exceptional acceleration of up to 21000 xg in as little as 12 seconds.
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VWR® Rotors for VWR® Laboratory Centrifuges
Supplier: VWR International
Swing out or angled rotors for separation.
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Rotors for VWR® symphony™ 4417 Non-Refrigerated and 4417R Refrigerated Universal Centrifuges
Supplier: VWR International
For Vwr Symphony 4417/R