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Prepared Media for Microbiology

Prepared microbiology media support accurate microorganism detection, identification, and cultivation. Saving time by eliminating the requirement to complete the groundwork, the media increase the overall working efficiency for any laboratory. Minimizing the possibility of formula variability, the standardized solutions ensure that data errors do not occur. The prepared microbiology media are plated or contained in tubes to guarantee that the correct nutrient mixtures are present for specific cell types.

Simmons Citrate Agar

Simmons Citrate Agar

Supplier: VWR International

A medium helpful in differentiation of the enterobacteriaceae. Simmons citrate agar test for organisms that are able to utilize citrate as a carbon source.

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Starch Agar

Starch Agar

Supplier: VWR International

Used to determine if bacteria produce extracellular enzymes to catalyze the hydrolysis of starch. Organisms that produce a starch hydrolyzing enzyme will display a clear zone around the area of growth while other areas of the agar containing starch will turn blue-black.

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Ward's® Prepared Potato Dextrose Agar

Ward's® Prepared Potato Dextrose Agar

Supplier: VWR International

For growing bacteria and fungi

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Ward's® Prepared Yeast, Genetic (MIN) Agar

Ward's® Prepared Yeast, Genetic (MIN) Agar


For Demonstration of Typtophan Dependance or Independence in Yeast

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Nutrient Broth

Nutrient Broth

Supplier: Culture Media & Supplies

General-purpose media. Supports the growth of a variety of microorganisms.

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Ward's® Prepared Yeast, Genetic (YEAD) Agar

Ward's® Prepared Yeast, Genetic (YEAD) Agar

Supplier: Culture Media & Supplies

For Maintaining Haploid Yeast Cultures

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VWR®  Ypd Media Liquid

VWR® Ypd Media Liquid

Supplier: VWR

YPD Media, Liquid is a complete medium for the propagation and maintenance of yeast

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VWR® LB Broth Liquid

VWR® LB Broth Liquid

Supplier: VWR

LB Broth, Liquid is used for the propagation and maintenance of E.coli. Widely used for the preparation of plasmid DNA and recombinant proteins.

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Ward's® Prepared MacConkey Agar

Ward's® Prepared MacConkey Agar


For Differential Isolation of Enteric Bacilli Based on Lactose Fermentation

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Ward's® Prepared Sordaria Mating Agar

Ward's® Prepared Sordaria Mating Agar

Supplier: Culture Media & Supplies

For the Study of Genetic Crossover

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Prepared Nutrient Agar

Prepared Nutrient Agar

Supplier: Avantor

General-purpose media support the growth of a variety of bacteria and fungi.

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Antibiotic Sensitivity Disc Set

Antibiotic Sensitivity Disc Set

Supplier: Avantor

One vial contains 50 discs each of penicillin, streptomycin, tetracycline, neomycin, and erythromycin.

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Prepared Electrophoresis Agar

Prepared Electrophoresis Agar

Supplier: Ward's Science

Jump to the electrophoresis step quicker - let us prepare your gel for you.

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VWR® SOC  Outgrowth Media, Biotechnology Grade

VWR® SOC Outgrowth Media, Biotechnology Grade

Supplier: VWR

SOC Media is a rich media that increases transformation efficiency in competent E. coli. After transformation, cells are incubated in SOC to allow expression of antibiotic resistance genes prior to selection.

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Prepared Starch Agar Media

Prepared Starch Agar Media


This media can be used to determine if a microorganism is capable of hydrolyzing starch as a source of energy for growth.

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Ward's® Prepared Nutrient Yeast Extract Salt Medium (NYSM)

Ward's® Prepared Nutrient Yeast Extract Salt Medium (NYSM)


For Fermentation Studies

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Ward's® Luria Agar Media Plates and Pour Packs

Ward's® Luria Agar Media Plates and Pour Packs

Supplier: Culture Media & Supplies

All-purpose medium that supports the growth of a variety of microorganisms.

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Yeast, Genetic (YED) Agar Plates

Yeast, Genetic (YED) Agar Plates


Yeast extract-dextrose general growth medium. For demonstration of red or white pigment traits.

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Triple Sugar Iron (TSI) Agar Tubes

Triple Sugar Iron (TSI) Agar Tubes

Supplier: Avantor

For identification of Gram-negative bacteria based on dextrose, lactose, and sucrose fermentation, and hydrogen sulfide production.

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Nutrient Agar Deeps, Tubes

Supplier: Avantor

Contains 12 nutrient agar deeps. Used to check for organism motility. 17 mL per tube.

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Antibiotic Test Disc Sets

Antibiotic Test Disc Sets

Supplier: Avantor

Easily observe the sensitivity of various bacteria and fungi to an array of antibiotics with these convenient kits, or test your own chemical using our blank discs.

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ACTERO™ Yeast and Molds Enrichment Media, FoodChek Systems

Supplier: Foodchek

Food and environmental samples require enrichment before pathogen testing, enabling any bacterial pathogen present to grow and be detected in test samples

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ACTERO™ MediaBox, Foodchek

Supplier: Avantor

The Actero™ MediaBox™ is the solution for laboratories that require liquid culture media on-demand

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ACTERO™ Coliform Enrichment Media, FoodChek Systems

Supplier: Foodchek

Food and environmental samples require enrichment before pathogen testing, enabling any bacterial pathogen present to grow and be detected in test samples

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ACTERO™ Other Application Enrichment Media, FoodChek Systems

Supplier: Foodchek

Food and environmental samples require enrichment before pathogen testing, enabling any bacterial pathogen present to grow and be detected in test samples

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ACTERO™ Listeria Enrichment Media, FoodChek Systems

ACTERO™ Listeria Enrichment Media, FoodChek Systems

Supplier: Foodchek

Food and environmental samples require enrichment before pathogen testing enabling targetl pathogen present to grow and be detected in test samples

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Microbiological Media in Ampoules, Cytiva (Formerly Pall Lab)

Microbiological Media in Ampoules, Cytiva (Formerly Pall Lab)

Supplier: Cytiva

A wide variety of sterile ampoule media for common microbiological analyses, in clear glass or plastic ampoules. Supplied pre-measured for maximum efficiency and convenience. For public wastewater and drinking water: MF-Endo and M-FC (with and without rosolic acid for helping to increase the specificity of the medium for faecal coliforms) media are used when analysing water samples for total coliforms, faecal coliforms and E. coli. For food and beverage: M-TGE, HPC, M-Green YM, and orange serum broths are used in the food and beverage industry to QC final products (and fluids used in the manufacture of these products) to detect potential spoilage organisms. Trypticase soy broth, M-TGE, and HPC may be used to test final products and process waters for total bacteria in the pharmaceutical and microelectronics industries. Pseudomonas and KF-Streptococcal broths are highly selective media for organisms in these genera, and are used to monitor samples wherever contamination by these organisms must be prevented.

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Mueller Hinton Broth, Hardy Diagnostics

Mueller Hinton Broth, Hardy Diagnostics

Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics

For the preparation of suspensions for disk diffusion sensitivity testing.

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LJ (Lowenstein Jensen) Media, Hardy Diagnostics

LJ (Lowenstein Jensen) Media, Hardy Diagnostics

Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics

For the selective isolation of Mycobacterium spp.

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Thioglycollate, Filtered

Thioglycollate, Filtered

Supplier: Hardy Diagnostics

For the cultivation of fastidious anaerobic bacteria. Filtered to remove all dead bacteria and debris.

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