You searched for: Media for Microbiology
Microbiology media facilitate the detection, isolation, and cultivation of microorganism colonies. Culture media additives and supplements enhance the growth capability of specific organisms. Prepared nutrient broths help establish the complex environment that even fastidious organisms require. Containing the nutritional elements that enable cells to multiply, the predetermined substance quantities add additional control to tests. Choose the gel or liquid microbiology media that is most compatible with working cell types.
Phenol Red Dextrose Broth
Supplier: VWR International
To prepare media, add 20 g of phenol red dextrose broth to a liter of distilled or de-ionized water. The media will not be sterile until autoclaved prior to use.
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Phenol Red Sucrose Broth
Supplier: VWR International
A basal medium containing a single carbohydrate used to determine whether bacteria can ferment the specific carbohydrate. The medium contains a pH indicator that changes from red to yellow if the bacteria can ferment the carbohydrate.
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Sim Medium
Supplier: VWR International
To assist in the differentiation of enteric organisms the medium provides three tests - indole production, production of hydrogen sulfide by organisms that can reduce sulfur, and motility.
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Simmons Citrate Agar
Supplier: VWR International
A medium helpful in differentiation of the enterobacteriaceae. Simmons citrate agar test for organisms that are able to utilize citrate as a carbon source.
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Ward's® Luria Broth with Ampicillin
Supplier: VWR International
For recombinant strains of Escherichia coli that are Ampicillin resistant.
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Ward's® Corn Meal Agar
Supplier: VWR International
Medium for cultivating phytopathological fungi, and stimulating production of chlamydospores.
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Phenol Red Lactose Broth
Supplier: VWR International
A basal medium containing a single carbohydrate used to determine whether bacteria can ferment the specific carbohydrate. The medium contains a pH indicator that changes from red to yellow if the bacteria can ferment the carbohydrate.
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Starch Agar
Supplier: VWR International
Used to determine if bacteria produce extracellular enzymes to catalyze the hydrolysis of starch. Organisms that produce a starch hydrolyzing enzyme will display a clear zone around the area of growth while other areas of the agar containing starch will turn blue-black.
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Ward's® Prepared Potato Dextrose Agar
Supplier: VWR International
For growing bacteria and fungi
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Prepared Phenolphthalein Agar
Supplier: Culture Media & Supplies
800mL of Phenolphthalein
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Ward's® Prepared Sabouraud Dextrose Media
Supplier: Culture Media & Supplies
For Cultivation of Yeasts, Molds, and Aciduric Organisms
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Prepared Tryptic Soy Broth Media
Supplier: Avantor
This is a good all-purpose medium that supports the growth of a variety of microorganisms.
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Nutrient Broth
Supplier: Culture Media & Supplies
General-purpose media. Supports the growth of a variety of microorganisms.
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Wards® MacConkey Agar Powdered Media
Supplier: Ward's Science
High quality microbiological media at an economical price.
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Ward's® Prepared Yeast, Genetic (MIN) Agar
For Demonstration of Typtophan Dependance or Independence in Yeast
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VWR® SOB Broth, Biotechnology Grade
Supplier: VWR
SOB broth powder is used for the preparation of nutritionally rich growth medium and transformation of competent E
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Wards® Tryptic Soy Broth Powdered Media
Supplier: Ward's Science
High quality microbiological media at an economical price.
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Wards® Nutrient Agar Powdered Media
Supplier: Ward's Science
High quality microbiological media at an economical price.
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VWR® Tryptone
Supplier: VWR
High-purity pancreatic protein digests of casein used for media supplements.
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Mannitol Salt Agar
Supplier: Culture Media & Supplies
For cultivation of pathogenic staphylococci.
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Wards® Sabouraud-Dextrose Broth Powdered Media
Supplier: Ward's Science
High quality microbiological media at an economical price.
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VWR® Yeast Nitrogen Base (YNB)
Supplier: VWR
YNB is a base medium for preparation of minimal and synthetic defined yeast media.
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Wards® Nutrient Broth Powdered Media
Supplier: Ward's Science
High quality microbiological media at an economical price.
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VWR® Ypd Media Liquid
Supplier: VWR
YPD Media, Liquid is a complete medium for the propagation and maintenance of yeast
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Ward's® Prepared Yeast, Genetic (YEAD) Agar
Supplier: Culture Media & Supplies
For Maintaining Haploid Yeast Cultures
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VWR® Yeast Extract, Bacteriological Grade
Supplier: VWR
High-purity extract used for media supplements.
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Prepared Blood Agar Media
Supplier: Culture Media & Supplies
Tryptic Soy Agar base with 5% Sheep Blood
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Prepared Tryptic Soy Agar Media
Supplier: Avantor
This soybean-casein digest medium can support a wide variety of microorganisms.
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VWR® Premixed LB Broth
Supplier: VWR
Lysogeny broth (LB) is a nutritionally rich medium used for the growth of bacteria.
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VWR® LB Broth Liquid
Supplier: VWR
LB Broth, Liquid is used for the propagation and maintenance of E.coli. Widely used for the preparation of plasmid DNA and recombinant proteins.