You searched for: Nitrite Standards
Nitrite (NO₂)- Single-Element Ion Anion Standard, 1,000 µg/ml (1,000 ppm), VWR Chemicals BDH®
Supplier: VWR International
Ion chromatography & ion selective electrode (ISE) standard.
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Nitrite as N @ 1000 µg/mL in H2O, VHG, LGC Standards
Nitrite as N @ 1000 µg/mL in H2O, VHG, LGC Standards
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Nitrite Standard: NO2- @ 1000 µg/mL in H2O, VHG, LGC Standards
Nitrite Standard: NO2- @ 1000 µg/mL in H2O, VHG, LGC Standards
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Nitrite CRM, Standard Solutions, Supelco®
Supplier: MilliporeSigma
Method used for Uncertainty Measurement (Accuracy in the table below)= Photometry
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Certipur® Standard Solutions, Nitrite, MilliporeSigma
Supplier: MilliporeSigma
Traceable to SRM from NIST.
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Titrisol® Nitrite Standard, Concentrate, MilliporeSigma
Supplier: MilliporeSigma
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Nitrite Standard, 1 ml = 0.100 mg NO₂⁻, 100 ppm NO₂⁻, Ricca Chemical Company
Supplier: Ricca Chemical
100 ppm NO2 (NaNO2 in water) For ion chromatography. Clear, colorless. NIST traceable. 200mL.
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VeriSpec™ Nitrite - NO₂₋ Standard for Ion Chromatography 1000 ppm in H₂O, RICCA Chemical Company
Supplier: Ricca Chemical
Certified reference material (CRM) for ion chromatography (IC)
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Nitrite Standard, 1 ml = 1 mg NO₂⁻, 1000 ppm NO₂⁻ (304.5 ppm N), Ricca Chemical Company
Supplier: Ricca Chemical
1000 ppm NO2 (NaNO2 in water) For ion chromatography. Clear, colorless. NIST traceable. 200mL.
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Nitrogen Standard, 1 ml = 0.1 mg N, 100 ppm N as Nitrite (328.5 ppm NO₂⁻), Ricca Chemical Company
Supplier: Ricca Chemical
Nitrogen Standard, 1 ml = 0.1 mg N, 100 ppm N as Nitrite (328.5 ppm NO₂⁻), Ricca Chemical Company
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NSpecpure® itrite, Ion chromatography standard solution, NO₂⁻ 1000 µg/ml, Thermo Scientific
Supplier: Thermo Scientific Chemicals
Guaranteed stable for six months from the ship date
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Nitrogen Standard, 1 ml = 1 mg N, 1000 ppm N as Nitrite (3285 ppm NO₂⁻), Ricca Chemical Company
Supplier: Ricca Chemical
Nitrogen Standard, 1 ml = 1 mg N, 1000 ppm N as Nitrite (3285 ppm NO₂⁻), Ricca Chemical Company
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Nitrite Standard, 1 ml = 0.200 mg NO₂⁻, 200 ppm NO₂⁻ (60.9 ppm N), Ricca Chemical Company
Supplier: Ricca Chemical
200 ppm NO2 (NaNO2 in water) For ion chromatography. Clear, colorless. NIST traceable. 120mL.
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Nitrite Standard, 1 ml = 1 mg N, 1000 ppm N as Nitrite (3285 ppm NO₂⁻), Ricca Chemical Company
Supplier: Ricca Chemical
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Nitrogen Standard, 1 ml = 0.25 mg N, 250 ppm N as Nitrite (821 ppm NO₂⁻), Equivalent to 1 mL = 821.1 ppm Nitrite (NO₂), Ricca Chemical Company
Supplier: Ricca Chemical
APHA for nitrite
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VeriSpec™ Nitrite(N) - NO₂₋ f(N) Standard for Ion Chromatography 1000 ppm in H₂O, RICCA Chemical Company
Supplier: Ricca Chemical
Certified reference material (CRM) for ion chromatography (IC)
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Nitrite Standard, 1 ml = 0.5 mg NO₂⁻, 500 ppm NO2- (152.25 ppm N), Ricca Chemical Company
Supplier: Ricca Chemical
500 ppm NO2 (NaNO2 in water) For ion chromatography. Clear, colorless. NIST traceable. 120mL.
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Nitrite Standard in Water, for Ion Chromatography
Supplier: Ultra Scientific
Nitrite Standard in Water, for Ion Chromatography
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Nitrite, Ion Chromatography Standard Solution, NO₂⁻ 1000 µg/ml
Supplier: BeanTown Chemical
Synonym: Sodium nitrite solution.
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Nitrite (NO₂)- Single-Element Ion Anion Standard, SPEX CertiPrep
Ion chromatography and ion selective electrode standards.