


  • A clear liquid copolymer consisting of dimethylisiloxane and trifluoropropylmethylsiloxane to provide a lubricious and/or hydrophobic coating, for lubricating the surfaces of molded dimethyl silicone elastomer parts
  • Available in standard viscosities of: 1,000 cP and 12,500 cP
  • Custom viscosities available upon request


  • For applications requiring a material that is highly water repellent and resists decomposition from heat and oxidation
  • Has good wetting properties and lubrication characteristics in contact with plastics, rubber and dimethyl silicones

Product Details

Property Average Result
Volatile Content 0.1 %
Appearance Translucent
Refractive Index 1.39

Contact NuSil™ to Order Now

For over 40 years, the NuSil brand has offered a wide range of high-purity silicones. Our team is ready to collaborate with you to provide silicone solutions to satisfy your unique requirements. For additional guidance during your selection process, or to order a sample, contact NuSil today.

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The test data shown for this material is the average value for typical properties. All of these properties may not be tested on a lot to lot basis and cannot be used to draft specifications. Please contact NuSil for assistance and recommendations in establishing limits for product specifications.