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Manage Tail Spend and Improve Visibility to Costs

Reducing procurement costs is a cornerstone in any successful business model. The emphasis for you is often placed on securing the best price for the products most frequently used by your company. However, this focus can distract from tail spend management – the often hidden costs of ordering specialized or miscellaneous products from non-core suppliers.

Reclaim Your Spending Power

Although you don’t dictate the specific supply needs of the company, you can control the means of procuring these items. Minimizing the number of suppliers is a central component to a cost-reducing procurement strategy, as it saves not only money but also time, as well as removing the complexity of multiple purchase orders and searching competing websites.

Yet which single supplier should you trust? Consider Avantor®, a proven leader in innovative, reliable and affordable worldwide supply, procurement and inventory management services. We strive to be more than just a supplier for you, but a resource for solutions and expertise as well. With our proven inventory management and procurement software, and MarketSource solution, we can help identify often overlooked cost factors to save you more money.


Questions about how we can help you manage tail spend and improve visibility to costs?

Contact us today to discuss your needs. Our team is ready to help.

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Explore Our Holistic Solutions for Your Challenge


A sourcing and procurement service that connects your lab to thousands of products that are not available through Avantor’s standard offering.


A cloud-based, inventory management system, that manages the consumption and replenishment of all your lab supplies.


An automated inventory management system prevents repetitive ordering, reduces the burden on scientists and optimizes inventory levels.


Keep supplies closer to the workbench and readily available for use, reducing overstock and time spent locating necessary products.


Manage your budget, improve reconciliation, consolidate your vendor base and control maverick spending all in one place.


Global equipment and ancillary supplies that simplify your clinical trials, delivered with the expertise you can rely on.

Are you ready to move your next innovation forward?

We can help. Contact us to speak with a member of our team.

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