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Heating Circulators and Thermostats | Avantor

Heating Circulators and Thermostats

Heating circulators and thermostats are important tools for controlling temperature in a variety of laboratory and industrial settings and can help ensure consistent and reliable experimental results and product quality.

Numerous options are available with advanced programmable or advanced digital temperature controls for internal and external applications.

Highly dynamic temperature control systems for extremely fast heat-up and cool-down times for external temperature control.

We offer a wide variety of general-purpose heating and cooling circulators for any internal and external temperature control.

These baths feature precise temperature control and can be used for internal and, if a pump is integrated, also for external temperature control.

These baths feature precise temperature control and can be used for internal and, if a pump is integrated, also for external temperature control.

These controllers can be used with water baths and have the possibility, if pump is included, for both internal and external applications.

Ideal for individual calibration and adjustment of thermometers, probes, controllers and other electronic control equipment.