Sample Preparation
Sample preparation can improve the result of an analytical method, e.g., pre-concentration of targeted analytes, and/or minimize the background interferences from the sample matrix. Avantor® has an extensive range of chemicals, consumables and equipment to help you achieve success with a high-quality and reliable sample preparation process.
SPE plates allow for higher throughput processes relative to individual SPE cartridges, typically in a 96-well plate format.
Systems that significantly reduce extraction times. They feature multiple settings and certain parameters can be constantly monitored with pre-set alarms.
A variety of prepacked options to separate molecules from different matrices during the sample preparation step of your chromatography workflow.
A wide selection of units for manual SPE processes .
Extensive selection of sorbents to improve recovery and precision in your separations. Capable of working with automatic equipment for faster results.
Extensive range of columns, cartridges and disks packed with different chemistries to ensure the right volume and selectivity is available.