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Proteins and Peptides

Proteins are used in routine laboratory procedures such as binding enzymes or coupling peptides to carrier proteins. These kits, mixture solutions, and collagen matrices fulfill a myriad of essential laboratory functions for developing relationships between proteins and other cellular components. The stimulating proteins offered have various amino acid arrangements and functions to fulfill any sample manipulation for testing purposes in any field.

Mouse Recombinant Serpin A1c

Supplier: Prosci

Alpha-1-antitrypsin 1-3(SERPIN A1) is a secreted protein and belongs to the serpin family. Serpins bind the protease active site resulting in a major conformational rearrangement that traps the enzyme in a covalent acyl-enzyme intermediate. Mouse SERPIN A1 is a serine protease inhibitor whose targets include elastase,plasmin, thrombin, trypsin, chymotrypsin, and plasminogen activator. Defects in this gene can cause emphysema orliver disease. Several transcript variants encoding the same protein have been found for this gene.

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Supplier: Thermo Scientific Chemicals

CAS No.: 31362-50-2
Molecular Formula: C71H110N24O18S
Formula Weight: 1619.90
Storage Temperature: 2°C to 8°C
Physical Form: Powder
Appearance: White
Solubility: Soluble in 0.05M acetic acid (20mg/ml)
Merck Reference: 14,1329
MDL No.: MFCD00167514

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Human Recombinant Autophagy 5 (from E. coli)

Supplier: Prosci

ATG5 is an E2 ubiquitin ligase which is necessary for autophagy. Its expression is a relatively late event in the apoptotic process, occurring downstream of caspase activity, dramatically highly expressed in apoptotic cells. It is activated by ATG7, conjugates to ATG12 and associates with isolation membrane to form cup-shaped isolation membrane and autophagosome. The conjugate complex detaches from the membrane immediately before or after autophagosome formation is completed. ATG5 plays an important role in the apoptotic process, possibly within the modified cytoskeleton.

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Human Recombinant RANTES (from E. coli)

Supplier: Prosci

RANTES is a CC-chemokine that can signal through the CCR1, CCR3, CCR5 and US28 (cytomegalovirus receptor) receptors. It is a chemoattractant towards monocytes, memory T cells (CD4+/CD45RO), basophils, and eosinophils. RANTES also has the capability to inhibit certain strains of HIV-1, HIV-2 and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). Recombinant human RANTES is a 7.8 kDa protein containing 68 amino acid residues including the four highly conserved cysteine residues present in the CC chemokines.

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Human Recombinant SOX2 (from E. coli)

Supplier: Prosci

Sox2, also known as sex determining region Y (SRY)-box 2, belongs to a diverse family of structurally-related transcription factors whose primary structure contains a 79-residue DNA-binding domain, called high mobility group (HMG) box. It plays an essential role in maintaining the pluripotency of embryonic stem cells (ESC) and determination of cell fate. Microarray analysis showed that Sox2 regulates the expression of multiple genes involved in embryonic development including FGF-4, YES1 and ZFP206. Sox2 acts as a transcriptional activator after forming a ternary complex with Oct3/4 and a conserved non-coding DNA sequence (CNS1) located approximately 2 kb upstream of the RAX promoter. The introduction of Sox2, Oct4, Myc, and Klf4, into human dermal fibroblasts isolated from a skin biopsy of a healthy research fellow was sufficient to confer a pluripotent state upon the fibroblast genome. The reprogrammed cells thus obtained resemble ESC in morphology, gene expression, and in the capacity to form teratomas in immune-deficient mice. Recombinant human Sox2 is a 34.3 kDa protein containing 317 amino-acid residues.

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Human Recombinant MOB1A (from E. coli)

Supplier: Prosci

MOB Kinase Activator 1A (MOB1A) belongs to the MOB1/phocein family, which acts as an activator of LATS1/2 in the Hippo signaling pathway, plays a key role in organ size control and tumor suppression by restricting proliferation and promoting apoptosis. MOBKL1B stimulates the kinase activity of STK38 and STK38L. MOBKL1B binds to and regulate downstream targets such as the NDR-family protein kinases and LATS1 kinase.

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Mouse Recombinant MIF (from E. coli)

Supplier: Prosci

Macrophage migration inhibitory factor(MIF) is a secreted protein and belongs to the MIF family. MIF is an important regulator of innate immunity. The circulating MIF binds to CD74 on other immune cells to trigger an acute immune response. Hence MIF is classified as an inflammatory cytokine. Furthermore glucocorticoids also stimulate white blood cells to release MIF and hence MIF partially counter acts the inhibitory effects that glucocorticoids have on the immune system. Finally trauma activates the anterior pituitary gland to release MIF.

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HMGB1 Recombinant Protein, Prosci

Supplier: Prosci

HMGB1 was originally discovered as an essential DNA-binding protein for regulating p53, NF-kappaB and other important proteins. It is secreted from activated dentric cells, macrophage and nectrotic cells, and acts as a ligand for RAGE, TLR-2 and TLR-4 expressed on surrounding cells. As a result, HMGB1 activates Rac, CDC42 and NF-kappaB inducing localized innate immunity of damaged tissue, tissue regeneration by recruitment of stem cells and hemostasis by induction of tissue factor expression. HMGB1 is also causative agent of various diseases as it causes localized inflammation such as arteriosclerosis, chronic rheumatoid arthritis and nephritis.

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Human Recombinant FABP4 (from E. coli)

Supplier: Prosci

FABP4 is a fatty acid binding protein in adipocytes. Fatty acid binding proteins are a family of small, highly conserved, cytoplasmic proteins that bind long-chain fatty acids and other hydrophobic ligands. FABPs regulate the fatty acid uptake, transport, and metabolism. aP2, the mouse form of FABP4, seems to be central to the pathway that links obesity to insulin resistance. aP2 was shown to be an adipokine linking adipocytes to hepatic glucose production and that neutralizing secreted aP2 may represent an effective therapeutic strategy against diabetes.

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Mouse Recombinant DLL4 (from HEK293 cells)

Supplier: Prosci

The Notch ligand delta-like protein 4 (DLL4) is expressed highly and selectively within the arterial endothelium and has been shown to function as a ligand for Notch1 and Notch4. It is induced by VEGF as a negative feedback regulator and acts to prevent overexuberant angiogenic sprouting, pro-moting the timely formation of a well differentiated vascular network. DLL4-Notch1 signaling regulates the formation of appropriate numbers of tip cells to control vessel sprouting and branching in the mouse retina.

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Mouse Recombinant Eotaxin 2 (from E. coli)

Supplier: Prosci

Eotaxin-2 is a CC chemokine that signals through the CCR3 receptor. It is produced by activated monocytes and T lymphocytes. Eotaxin-2 selectively chemoattracts cells expressing CCR3 including eosinophils, basophils, Th2 T cells, mast cells, and certain subsets of dendritic cells. Additionally, Eotaxin-2 inhibits the proliferation of multipotential hematopoietic progenitor cells. The mature protein, which also includes a C-terminal truncation, contains 78 amino acid residues (92 a.a. residues for the murine homolog, without C-terminal truncation). Recombinant murine Eotaxin-2 is an 10.3 kDa protein containing 93 amino acid residues.

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Human Recombinant Collagen alpha-1(IX) chain (from Cells)

Supplier: Prosci

COL9A1, which is short for Collagen alpha-1(IX) chain, is a 921 aa. protein. It is a secreted protein, and exists in extracellular space and extracellular matrix. This protein is a heterotrimer of an alpha 1(IX), an alpha 2(IX) and an alpha 3(IX) chain.Each subunit is composed of three triple-helical domains interspersed with non-collagenous domains. The globular domain at the N-terminus of type IX collagen molecules represents the NC4 domain which may participate in electrostatic interactions with polyanionic glycosaminoglycans in cartilage. It ia a structural component of hyaline cartilage and vitreous of the eye.

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Mouse Recombinant NAMPT (from CHO cells)

Supplier: Prosci

Nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (Nampt; pre-B cell colony-enhancing factor; PBEF; Visfatin) is an adipokine that is localized to the bloodstream and has various functions, including the promotion of vascular smooth muscle cell maturation and inhibition of neutrophil apoptosis. It activates insulin receptor and has insulin-mimetic effects, lowering blood glucose and improving insulin sensitivity. The protein is highly expressed in visceral fat and serum levels of the protein correlate with obesity.

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Mouse Recombinant NAMPT (from E. coli)

Supplier: Prosci

Nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (Nampt; pre-B cell colony-enhancing factor; PBEF; Visfatin) is an adipokine that is localized to the bloodstream and has various functions, including the promotion of vascular smooth muscle cell maturation and inhibition of neutrophil apoptosis. It activates insulin receptor and has insulin-mimetic effects, lowering blood glucose and improving insulin sensitivity. The protein is highly expressed in visceral fat and serum levels of the protein correlate with obesity.

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Rat Recombinant IL15 (from E. coli)

Supplier: Prosci

IL-15 is an immunomodulating cytokine that stimulates the proliferation of T lymphocytes and shares many biological properties with IL-2. IL-15 exerts its biological activities primarily on T cells. It is also essential in the development, survival and activation of NK cells. Increased expression of IL-15 has been implicated with rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowl disease and diseases affiliated with retroviruses HIV and HTLV-I. Human IL-15 is biologically active on mouse cells as measured by the dose-dependent stimulation of the proliferation of mouse CTLL cells.

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Human Albumin,Biotin

Supplier: Rockland Immunochemical

1mg. Antibody Concentration: 1 mg/mL. Biotin/Protein Ratio: 10-20 BAC molecules per Human Albumin molecule. Buffer: 0.02M potassium phosphate, 0.15M sodium chloride, pH 7.2. Stabilizer: 10 mg/mL Bovine Serum Albumin IgG and protease free. Lyophilized.

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Rat Recombinant CNTF (from E. coli)

Supplier: Prosci

CNTF is a potent neural factor that was originally characterized as a vital factor for the survival of chick ciliary neurons in vitro. CNTF is also important for the survival of other neural cell types including primary sensory neurons, motor neurons, basal forebrain neurons and type 2 astrocytes. CNTF is highly conserved across species and exhibits cross-species bioactivity. Both human and rat Recombinant CNTF are synthesized as a 199 amino acid polypeptide (22.7 kDa) lacking a hydrophobic N-terminal signal for secretion.

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Human Recombinant TGF beta 1 (from HEK293 Cells)

Human Recombinant TGF beta 1 (from HEK293 Cells)

Supplier: Prosci

Transforming growth factor beta 1 ( TGFB1) is also known as TGF-?1, CED, DPD1, TGFB. is a polypeptide member of the transforming growth factor beta superfamily of cytokines. It is a secreted protein that performs many cellular functions, including the control of cell growth, cell proliferation, cell differentiation and apoptosis. The TGFB1 protein helps control the growth and division (proliferation) of cells, the process by which cells mature to carry out specific functions (differentiation), cell movement (motility), and the self-destruction of cells (apoptosis). The TGFB1 protein is found throughout the body and plays a role in development before birth, the formation of blood vessels, the regulation of muscle tissue and body fat development, wound healing, and immune system function. TGFB1 is particularly abundant in tissues that make up the skeleton, where it helps regulate bone growth, and in the intricate lattice that forms in the spaces between cells (the extracellular matrix). Within cells, this protein is turned off (inactive) until it receives a chemical signal to become active. TGFB1 plays an important role in controlling the immune system, and shows different activities on different types of cell, or cells at different developmental stages. Most immune cells (or leukocytes) secrete TGFB1. TGFB1 has been shown to interact with TGF beta receptor 1, LTBP1, YWHAE, EIF3I and Decorin.

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Human Recombinant Tnfsf18 (from E. coli)

Supplier: Prosci

AITRL, a member of the TNF superfamily, is expressed in endothelial cells, and signals through the AITR receptor. AITRL regulates T-cell proliferation and survival, and effectuates the interaction between T lymphocytes and endothelial cells. The AITRL gene codes for a type II transmembrane protein comprised of 177 amino acids, including a 28 amino acid cytoplasmic region, a 21 amino acid transmembrane domain and a 128 amino acid extracellular domain. Recombinant human soluble AITRL is a 14.3 kDa protein, containing 126 amino acid residues corresponding to the extracellular domain of AITRL.

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Human Recombinant FGF1 Intracellular-Binding (from E. coli)

Supplier: Prosci

Acidic Fibroblast Growth Factor Intracellular-Binding Protein (FIBP) is highly expressed in the heart, skeletal muscle, and pancreas. Acidic Fibroblast Growth Factor is a member of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family. FGF family members possess broad mitogenic and cell survival activities, and are involved in a variety of biological processes, including embryonic development, cell growth, morphogenesis, tissue repair, tumor growth and invasion. FIBP is an intracellular protein that binds selectively to acidic fibroblast growth factor (aFGF). It is postulated that FIBP may be involved in the mitogenic action of aFGF.

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Rat Recombinant HMGB1 (from E. coli)

Supplier: Prosci

HMGB1 was originally discovered as an essential DNA-binding protein for regulating p53, NF-kappaB and other important proteins. It is secreted from activated dentric cells, macrophage and nectrotic cells, and acts as a ligand for RAGE, TLR-2 and TLR-4 expressed on surrounding cells. As a result, HMGB1 activates Rac, CDC42 and NF-kappaB inducing localized innate immunity of damaged tissue, tissue regeneration by recruitment of stem cells and hemostasis by induction of tissue factor expression. HMGB1 is also causative agent of various diseases as it causes localized inflammation such as arteriosclerosis, chronic rheumatoid arthritis and nephritis.

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Human Recombinant PDILT (from Cells)

Supplier: Prosci

Protein Disulfide-Isomerase-Like Protein of the Testis (PDILT) is a protein that belongs to the protein disulfide isomerase family. Human PDILT is synthesized as a 584 amino acid precursor that contains an 20 amino acid signal sequence and a 564 amino acid mature chain. PDILT contains 1 thioredoxin domain lacks the conserved redox-active Cys at position 417 which is replaced by a Ser residue, suggesting that it lacks thioredoxin activity. PDILT is an enzyme in the endoplasmic reticulum in eukaryotes. It is not a disulfide-linked homodimer. The PDILT protein can interacts with ERO1L and CLGN. PDILT probable redox-inactive chaperone involved in spermatogenesis.

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Human Recombinant CTGF (from Cells)

Supplier: Prosci

CTGF belongs to the CCN (CTGF/Cyr61/Cef10/NOVH) protein family, which is comprised of six secreted proteins that reside in the extracellular matrix (ECM). CTGF causes a variety of cellular responses including reduced cell adhesion and enhanced cell migration and proliferation. CTGF has also been shown to be essential for epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT), a process whereby normal functioning cells morph into ones that produce mainly scar tissue (of which collagen in the major protein component).

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Human Recombinant High mobility group B1 (from E. coli)

Supplier: Prosci

High mobility group protein B1 is a member of the HMGB family consisting of three members, HMGB1, HMGB2 and HMGB3.It Contains 2 HMG box DNA-binding domains entitled box A and box B and It is a highly negative-charged C terminus. As a nuclear protein, HMGB1 stabilizes nucleosomes and allows bending of DNA that facilitates gene transcription which is essential for individual survival. Meanwhile, it is revealed that HMGB1 can also act as a cytokine extracellularlly and regulates monocyte, T cell, dendritic cell activities in inflammatory responses.

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Human Recombinant GGACT (from E. coli)

Supplier: Prosci

Gamma-Glutamylaminecyclotransferase is an enzyme that converts gamma-glutamylamines to free amines and 5-oxoproline which belongs to the gamma-glutamylcyclotransferase family. It shows high activity toward gamma-glutamyl-epsilon-lysine, derived from the breakdown of fibrin and contributes to degradation of proteins cross-linked by transglutaminases. It degrades the cross-link between a lysine and a glutamic acid residue from two proteins that have been cross-linked by transglutaminases. This protein adopts the newly identified cyclotransferase fold, observed in Gamma-Glutamylcyclotransferase, an enzyme with activity toward gamma-glutamyl-alpha-amino acids.

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Human Recombinant LSM1 (from E. coli)

Supplier: Prosci

U6 snRNA-Associated Sm-Like Protein LSm1 (LSM1) belongs to the snRNP Sm proteins family. The Sm-like proteins are thought to form a stable heteromer present in tri-snRNP particles, which plays an important role in pre-mRNA splicing. LSM1 binds specifically to the 3-terminal U-tract of U6snRNA. LSM1 can interact with SLBP when histone mRNA is being rapidly degraded during the S phase. In addition, LSM1 is associated with cellular transformation and the progression of several malignancies including mesothelioma, lung cancer and breast cancer.

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Human Recombinant UFM1 activating enzyme (from E. coli)

Supplier: Prosci

UBA5 is a member of the ubiquitin-activating E1 family and UBA5 subfamily. Ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like proteins are recognized as covalently conjugated to various cellular substrates by a three-step enzymatic pathway. The ubiquitin-activating enzyme (E1) has a vital role in the first step of ubiquitination pathway to activate ubiquitin or ubiquitin-like proteins. UBA5 activates ubiquitin-fold modifier 1, a ubiquitin-like post-translational modifier protein, via the formation of a high-energy thioester bond. UBA5 is located primarily in cytoplasm, while it generally localizes to the nucleus in presence of SUMO2.

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Mouse Recombinant IFN alpha 2 (from E. coli)

Supplier: Prosci

At least 23 different variants of Interferon- alpha are known. The individual proteins have molecular masses between 19-26 kD and consist of proteins with lengths of 156-166 and 172 amino acids. All IFN- alpha subtypes possess a common conserved sequence region between amino acid positions 115-151 while the amino-terminal ends are variable. Many IFN- alpha subtypes differ in their sequences at only one or two positions. Naturally occurring variants also include proteins truncated by 10 amino acids at the carboxyl-terminal end.

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Mouse Recombinant IL-16 (from E. coli)

Mouse Recombinant IL-16 (from E. coli)

Supplier: Shenandoah Biotechnology

Interleukin 16 (IL-16) is produced by CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and functions as a chemoattractant for lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, dendritic cells, and Langerhans cells.  Additionally, IL-16 upregulates the expression of the interleukin 2 receptor (CD25), modulates T lymphocyte growth, and suppresses the replication of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIV).

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Human Recombinant IL27 (from CHO Cells)

Supplier: Prosci

Interleukin-27 (IL-27) is a heterodimeric group 2 receptor ligand molecule that belongs to the IL-6/IL-12 family of long type I cytokines. It is composed of EBI3 (EBV-induced gene 3), a 34 kDa glycoprotein that is related to the p40 subunit of IL-12 and IL-23, and p28, the cloned 28 kDa glycoprotein that is related to the p35 chain of IL-12. IL-27 is expressed by monocytes, endothelial cells and dendritic cells. IL-27 binds to and signals through a heterodimeric receptor complex composed of WSX1 (TCCR) and gp130. Evidence suggests IL-27 interacts only with WSX-1. IL-27 has both anti- and proinflammatory properties. As an antiinflammatory, IL-27 seems to induce a general negative feedback program that limits T and NK-T cell activity. At the onset of infection, IL-27 induces an IL-12 receptor on naie CD4+ T cells, making them susceptible to subsequent IL-12 activity (and possible Th1 development). Notably, IL-12 family cytokines are both induced and inhibited by bacterial products. Microbes promote IL-27 secretion through TLR4, and also block IL-27 production via C5a induction.

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