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85 results for Cover Glasses

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Gold Seal® Cover Glass, Electron Microscopy Sciences

Gold Seal® Cover Glass, Electron Microscopy Sciences

Supplier: Electron Microscopy Sciences

GOLD SEAL® cover glass is made from pre-selected, pre-cleaned silicate glass.

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Superslip® Micro Glasses, Electron Microscopy Sciences

Superslip® Micro Glasses, Electron Microscopy Sciences

Supplier: Electron Microscopy Sciences

Finally, your automated coverslipper has the right coverslip to allow it to run smoothly. These “Superslip®” coverslips are designed to work in automatic coverslip machines and humid environments without sticking or jamming up in the middle of a run.

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SureView Microscope CoverSlips, Avantik

SureView Microscope CoverSlips, Avantik

Supplier: Avantik

Specially treated surface to avoid sticking and for superior and faster separation of the coverslips.

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Cover Slips, Quartz, Chemglass

Supplier: Chemglass

These cover slips made of clear quartz are ultra-thin, ground and polished.

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Quartz Cover Slips, Technical Glass Products

Supplier: Technical Glass Products

Fused Quartz consists of high-purity Silica (SiO2) with a purity level of 99.998%

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Rinzl Plastic Cover Slips, Electron Microscopy Sciences

Rinzl Plastic Cover Slips, Electron Microscopy Sciences

Supplier: Electron Microscopy Sciences

Made from clear vinyl plastic.

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CultureWell™ Chambered Coverglass, Electron Microscopy Sciences

CultureWell™ Chambered Coverglass, Electron Microscopy Sciences

Supplier: Electron Microscopy Sciences

Chambered coverglass products are optimal for high resolution microscopy.

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Thermanox® Cover Slips, Electron Microscopy Sciences

Thermanox® Cover Slips, Electron Microscopy Sciences

Supplier: Electron Microscopy Sciences

NUNC™ Brand Thernanox®, or TMX coverslips are made from a polymer (in the polyolefin family) that is highly resistant to most chemicals.

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Interchangeable Coverslip Dish Sets, Bioptechs Inc.®

Interchangeable Coverslip Dish Sets, Bioptechs Inc.®


The Interchangeable Coverslip Dish Sets are autoclavable and reusable culture dishes

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Sedgewick Rafter (Microlite) Cell, Electron Microscopy Sciences

Sedgewick Rafter (Microlite) Cell, Electron Microscopy Sciences

Supplier: Electron Microscopy Sciences

For use in water analysis, culture inspection, and any fluid where particles per unit volume need to be determined. Available in two versions.

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Rectangular Glass Coverslips

Rectangular Glass Coverslips

Supplier: C & A Scientific

Traditional rectangular coverslip style

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Hareta Non-Stick Auto-Glass Coverslips, Springside Scientific

Hareta Non-Stick Auto-Glass Coverslips, Springside Scientific


This specially treated coverglass is designed not to stick together resulting in fewer equipment jams and glass breakage.

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Rectangular and Square Cover Slips, Bellco Glass

Rectangular and Square Cover Slips, Bellco Glass

Supplier: Bellco Glass

These cover slips provides good quality, reliability, and better performance for all laboratory microscopy needs

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Glass Coverslips, 40mm, Bioptechs Inc.®

Glass Coverslips, 40mm, Bioptechs Inc.®


These 40mm German Desag 263 borosilicate glass coverslips are ideal for imaging applications

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Glass Coverslips, 30mm, Bioptechs Inc.®

Glass Coverslips, 30mm, Bioptechs Inc.®


Low alkaline, German Desag 263 glass coverslips are optimized for cell culture growth

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Correlative Microscopy Coverslips, Electron Microscopy Sciences

Supplier: Electron Microscopy Sciences

EMS introduces a simple coverslip with a grid image that allows cells to grow and later be analyzed under brightfield or fluorescence microscopy before being further processed and sectioned for EM or other analysis.

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Plastic Coverslips

Plastic Coverslips

Supplier: Raylabcon

Efficient, disposable slides are manufactured from optically clear vinyl.

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Lab-Tek® Chambered Coverglass, Electron Microscopy Sciences

Lab-Tek® Chambered Coverglass, Electron Microscopy Sciences

Supplier: Electron Microscopy Sciences

Lab-Tek® and Lab-Tek®II Chambered Coverglass products are intended for high magnification examination of living cells using an inverted microscope.

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CultureWell™ Removable Chambered Coverglass, Electron Microscopy Sciences

CultureWell™ Removable Chambered Coverglass, Electron Microscopy Sciences

Supplier: Electron Microscopy Sciences

CultureWell™ with removable chambered coverglass is ideal for cell culture and fluorescence imaging applications.

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Corning® BioCoat® Fibronectin German Glass Coverslip, 22 mm, Corning

Corning® BioCoat® Fibronectin German Glass Coverslip, 22 mm, Corning

Supplier: Corning

Corning® BioCoat™ 22×22 mm #1 German Glass coverslip with a uniform application of human fibronectin. Bulk packed, 60/case. Corning BioCoat products are an ideal solution for enhanced cell attachment and growth of a variety of primary cells and transformed cells in serum-free or serum-containing cultures. Corning offers custom coating capabilities.

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Corning® BioCoat® Poly-L-Lysine, German Glass Coverslip, 12 mm, Corning

Corning® BioCoat® Poly-L-Lysine, German Glass Coverslip, 12 mm, Corning

Supplier: Corning

Corning® BioCoat™ 12 mm #1 German Glass coverslip with a uniform application of Poly-L-Lysine. 40/pack, 80/case. Corning BioCoat products are an ideal solution for enhanced cell attachment and growth of a variety of primary cells and transformed cells in serum-free or serum-containing cultures. Corning offers custom coating capabilities.

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LifterSlip™ Premium Printed Coverglass, Electron Microscopy Sciences

LifterSlip™ Premium Printed Coverglass, Electron Microscopy Sciences

Supplier: Electron Microscopy Sciences

LifterSlip™ Premium Printed Coverglass offers a simple solution to the problem of hybridization non-uniformity. An innovative raised edge design provides separation and allows for even dispersal of hybridization solution between the DNA chip and coverslip.

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Corning® BioCoat® Poly-D-Lysine/Laminin German Glass Coverslip, 12 mm, Corning

Corning® BioCoat® Poly-D-Lysine/Laminin German Glass Coverslip, 12 mm, Corning

Supplier: Corning

Corning® BioCoat™ Poly-D-Lysine/Laminin 12mm #1 German Glass coverslip with a uniform application of poly-D-lysine and laminin. Bulk packed, 80/case. Corning BioCoat products are an ideal solution for enhanced cell attachment and growth of a variety of primary cells and transformed cells in serum-free or serum-containing cultures. Corning offers custom coating capabilities.

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Corning® BioCoat® Collagen I German Glass Coverslip, 22 mm, Bulk Packed, Corning

Corning® BioCoat® Collagen I German Glass Coverslip, 22 mm, Bulk Packed, Corning

Supplier: Corning

Corning® BioCoat™ 22 mm #1 German Glass coverslip with a uniform application of rat tail collagen. Bulk packed, 60/case. Corning BioCoat products are an ideal solution for enhanced cell attachment and growth of a variety of primary cells and transformed cells in serum-free or serum-containing cultures. Corning offers custom coating capabilities.

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Corning® BioCoat® Poly-D-Lysine Coverslips, Corning

Corning® BioCoat® Poly-D-Lysine Coverslips, Corning

Supplier: Corning

Poly-D-Lysine (PDL) and Poly-L-Lysine (PLL) are synthetic compounds that enhance cell adhesion and protein absorption by altering surface charges on the culture substrate. In addition to promoting cell adhesion, poly-lysine surface treatments support neurite outgrowth and improve the survival of many central nervous system (CNS) primary cells in culture. As PDL and PLL are synthetic molecules, they do not stimulate biological activity in the cells cultured on them, and they do not introduce impurities carried by natural polymers.

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