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The 5977C GC/MSD is a routine and reliable workhorse for environmental impurities and food testing, chemical and petrochemical analysis, as well as the analysis of forensic and pharmaceutical compounds.
The 7000E triple quadrupole GC/MS provides unequivocal intelligence and robustness to deliver the answers you seek. The routine workhorse for labs across a wide range of industry applications like pesticides in food or SVOCs in environmental samples now has SWARM autotune and improved diagnostic tools.
The 7010C GC triple quadrupole mass spectrometry system is the most sensitive instrument of the Agilent GC/TQ portfolio, built on an intelligent platform to maximize productivity by reducing unplanned instrument downtime. With downtime minimized, the 7010C GC/TQ can lower your lab’s environmental impact while reaching ultralow limits of detection down to the attogram level.
The 7250 GC/Q-TOF system delivers full-spectrum, high-resolution, accurate mass data with a wide dynamic range for identifying and quantifying GC-amenable compounds. This high-resolution GC/Q-TOF enables accurate mass screening by GC/MS and enhanced compound identification through MS/MS, low-energy electron ionization, and complimentary chemical ionization techniques.