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Pierce ProFound™ PolyHis-Protein Interaction Pull Down Kit, Thermo Scientific
Pierce ProFound™ PolyHis-Protein Interaction Pull Down Kit, Thermo Scientific
Catalog # CAPI21277
Supplier:  Thermo Scientific
CAS Number:  
Pierce ProFound™ PolyHis-Protein Interaction Pull Down Kit, Thermo Scientific
Catalog # CAPI21277
Supplier:  Thermo Scientific
CAS Number:  
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  • Description:
    PolyHis-Protein:Protein Interaction Kit
  • No. of Reactions:
    25 Pull-down reactions, each using 25 µl of resin
  • Supplier No.:


About this item

The Pierce™ His Protein Interaction Pull-Down Kit contains the necessary components to capture and purify proteins that interact with His-tagged fusion proteins.

  • Complete kits provide all components and detailed protocols for purifying protein:protein interactions
  • No special equipment needed – use common laboratory equipment and reagents
  • Microcentrifuge spin columns facilitate simple and efficient manipulation of agarose beads, including simple processing of multiple samples
  • Instructions include protocols for use with bait and prey proteins expressed from a variety of sample types
  • Cobalt chelate resin is more specific for histidine-tagged fusion proteins than nickel resins, resulting in less non-specific binding
  • Binds 10 to 25 mg of histidine-tagged fusion protein per mL of resin

Applications include discover a new protein:protein interaction from a cell lysate; confirm a putative interaction from a cell lysate or with a previously purified protein; extract protein:protein interaction information from in vitro transcription/translation lysates.

Delivery: Complete kit includes Cobalt chelate Agarose resin, (750 µL); Pull-Down Lysis Buffer, (250 mL); Imidazole solution (4 M), (5 mL); TBS pack (makes 500 mL); Spin columns and accessories, 27 columns; and Microcentrifuge collection tubes, 100 tubes.
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