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92 results for Protein Assays

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Protein Assays

Accurately quantifying total protein concentration is a key to most experiments and is often necessary for isolation, separation, and analysis of proteins by biochemical methods. When it is necessary to determine the total protein concentration in a sample, one of the first factors to consider is the selection of a protein assay method. These choices are typically based upon the compatibility of the method with the samples to be assayed. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

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AzureRed Fluorescent Protein Stain, Azure BioSystems

AzureRed Fluorescent Protein Stain, Azure BioSystems

Supplier: Azure Biosystems

AzureRed Fluorescent Protein Stain is a quantitative total protein stain for blots and blots with the sensitivity to detect less than 1 ng of protein per band or spot

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Bicinchoninic Acid (BCA) Protein Assay, G-Biosciences

Bicinchoninic Acid (BCA) Protein Assay, G-Biosciences

Supplier: G-Biosciences

The Bicinchoninic Acid (BCA) protein assay is a highly sensitive colorimetric assay that is compatible with detergent solubilized protein solutions

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RED 660™ Protein Assay, G-Biosciences

RED 660™ Protein Assay, G-Biosciences

Supplier: G-Biosciences

RED 660™ protein assay is a single reagent colorimetric assay that outperforms commercial colorimetric assays, including Bradford and improved Coomassie/Bradford assays

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PROTEOSTAT® Protein Aggregation Assay, Enzo Life Sciences

PROTEOSTAT® Protein Aggregation Assay, Enzo Life Sciences

Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences

PROTEOSTAT® Protein aggregation assay provides a simple, homogenous assay format for monitoring peptide and protein aggregation in solution

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PROTEOSTAT® Thermal Shift Stability Assay Kit, Enzo Life Sciences

PROTEOSTAT® Thermal Shift Stability Assay Kit, Enzo Life Sciences

Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences

This kit has been designed for monitoring protein stability under systematic thermal stress conditions.

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10x SUMOylation Buffer, Enzo Life Sciences

Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences

Assay buffer from the SUMOylation Kit

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Ubiquitinylation Kit, Enzo Life Sciences

Ubiquitinylation Kit, Enzo Life Sciences

Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences

Versatile tool for generation of ubiquitin-E2 thioesters.

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Caspase-1 Assay Kit for Drug Discovery, Enzo Life Sciences

Caspase-1 Assay Kit for Drug Discovery, Enzo Life Sciences

Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences

This kit is a complete assay system to measure protease activity of recombinant caspase-1

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DPPIV/CD26 Assay Kit for Biological Samples, Enzo Life Sciences

DPPIV/CD26 Assay Kit for Biological Samples, Enzo Life Sciences

Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences

The DPPIV/CD26 Assay kit for biological samples is a complete assay system designed to measure DPPIV activity in biological fluids such as plasma, serum, urine, and saliva. Uses for the kit include correlation of DPPIV activity with disease states or determination of the efficacy of DPPIV inhibitors administered in vivo.

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eFluxx-ID® Multidrug Resistance Assay Kit, Enzo Life Sciences

Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences

The EFLUXX-ID® Multidrug Resistance Assay Kit allows for functional detection of all three clinically relevant ABC transporter proteins MDR1 (p-glycoprotein), MRP1/2, and BCRP

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Caspase-8 Colorimetric Assay Kit, Enzo Life Sciences

Caspase-8 Colorimetric Assay Kit, Enzo Life Sciences

Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences

Based on the spectrophotometric detection of the chromophore pNA (p-nitroaniline) after cleavage from the labelled substrate IETD-pNA.

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Auto-Ubiquitinylation Kit, Enzo Life Sciences

Auto-Ubiquitinylation Kit, Enzo Life Sciences

Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences

This E3 ligase auto-ubiquitinylation kit enables proteins to be tested for ubiquitin E3 ligase activity through assessment of their ability to under auto-ubiquitinylation

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10x Ubiquitinylation Buffer, Enzo Life Sciences

Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences

Assay Buffer from the Ubiquitinylation Kits

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HAT Activity Assay Kit, Enzo Life Sciences

HAT Activity Assay Kit, Enzo Life Sciences

Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences

Histone acetyltransferases (HATs) have been implicated to play a crucial role in various cellular functions, such as gene transcription, differentiation, and proliferation

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Proteasome 20S Assay Kit, Enzo Life Sciences

Proteasome 20S Assay Kit, Enzo Life Sciences

Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences

A QuantiZyme™ Assay System

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Caspase-2 Fluorometric Assay Kit, Enzo Life Sciences

Caspase-2 Fluorometric Assay Kit, Enzo Life Sciences

Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences

Based on the detection of AFC (7-amino-4-trifluoromethyl coumarin) after cleavage from the labelled substrate VDVAD-AFC.

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p70 S6K Activity Kit, Enzo Life Sciences

p70 S6K Activity Kit, Enzo Life Sciences

Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences

For the measurement of p70 S6K activity in partially purified, purified, or crude enzyme preparations from any species.

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PROTEOSTAT® Aggresome Detection Kit, Enzo Life Sciences

PROTEOSTAT® Aggresome Detection Kit, Enzo Life Sciences

Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences

Robust, quantitative detection of aggresomes relevant to the study of neurodegenerative disease, liver disease and toxicology.

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Ubiquitin Conjugating Kit (HeLa Lysate-Based), Enzo Life Sciences

Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences

1. Ubiquitinylation of specific endogenous HeLa lysate proteins, followed by their immediate detection/analysis using antibodies to the protein/s of interest, indicating a particular protein is a substrate for the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. 2. Ubiquitinylation of proteins of interest contained in exogenously added expression culture/cell extracts or tissue lysates/extracts, followed by their immediate detection/analysis or isolation/purification for use in subsequent experiments. 3. Modification of proteins using ubiquitin derivatives or mutants for improved detection/analysis or investigation of alternative (non-proteasomal) ubiquitin related pathways in subsequent experiments. For example, biotinylated-ubiquitin (Prod. No. BML-UW8705), for sensitive detection

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Caspase-3 Fluorometric Assay Kit, Enzo Life Sciences

Caspase-3 Fluorometric Assay Kit, Enzo Life Sciences

Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences

Based on the detection of AFC (7-amino-4-trifluoromethyl coumarin) after cleavage from the labelled substrate DEVD-AFC.

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Calcineurin Phosphatase Assay Kit, Enzo Life Sciences

Calcineurin Phosphatase Assay Kit, Enzo Life Sciences

Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences

This colorimetric kit is designed for inhibitor screening or kinetic assay of recombinant Calcineurin

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Annexin V-EGFP Apoptosis Detection Kit, Enzo Life Sciences

Annexin V-EGFP Apoptosis Detection Kit, Enzo Life Sciences

Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences

For the detection of apoptotic cells by flow cytometry.

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Annexin V-FITC Apoptosis Detection Kit, Enzo Life Sciences

Annexin V-FITC Apoptosis Detection Kit, Enzo Life Sciences

Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences

For the detection of apoptotic cells by flow cytometry.

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Foxp3 / Transcription Factor Staining Buffer Kit, Tonbo Biosciences

Supplier: Tonbo Biosciences

Tonbo Biosciences Foxp3 / Transcription Factor Staining Buffer Kit contains specially formulated buffers and solutions for optimal resolution and low background in your analysis of nuclear antigens by flow cytometry

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SOD Activity Kit, Enzo Life Sciences

SOD Activity Kit, Enzo Life Sciences

Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences

ELS offers a large collection of superoxide dismutase products for oxidative stress research.

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QBT Fatty Acid Uptake Assay Kit, Molecular Devices

QBT Fatty Acid Uptake Assay Kit, Molecular Devices


The QBT™ Fatty Acid Uptake Assay is a homogeneous assay amenable to high-throughput screening.

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2-D Quant Kit, Cytiva

2-D Quant Kit, Cytiva

Supplier: Cytiva

2-D Quant Kit is designed for the accurate determination of protein concentration in samples prepared for electrophoresis techniques such as 2-D electrophoresis, SDS-PAGE, or IEF.

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Proteinase K, Tritirachium Album, MilliporeSigma

Supplier: MilliporeSigma

Serine protease that exhibits strong proteolytic activity on a wide variety of denatured and native proteins of high molecular weight

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HisTag® Antibody HRP Conjugate Kit, MilliporeSigma

Supplier: MilliporeSigma

The HisTag® Antibody HRP Conjugate kit contains a horseradish peroxidase-conjugated HisTag® Monoclonal Antibody that is useful as a single detection reagent, thus eliminating cross-reactivity associated with secondary antibody reagents

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