You searched for: Temperature Indicating Strips
Temperature indicating strips indicate the temperature of a specimen within minutes after the initial collection. These instruments are designed for rapid measurements where conventional thermometers are impractical, and many models are suitable for use with equipment like heating chambers and products which are sensitive at high temperatures. Strips designed to withstand high temperatures are ideal for use in electronics, food and pharmaceutical industries, and in the oven and engine of construction businesses.
Temperature Indicator Strip, Therapak®
Supplier: Therapak, LLC
Temperature Indicator Strips indicate the temperature of the specimen within minutes after the initial collection
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SpotSee ShockWatch Temperature Indicators
Supplier: Cold Chain Technologies
ColdMark and WarmMark time–temperature indicators provide a cost-effective tool for monitoring the temperature of your package. They are single-use devices that provide accurate, irreversible evidence of a temperature excursion. With the information you gather from these indicators, you can make smarter decisions across your cold chain.
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Spotsee Forehead Thermometer Temperature Strip, Propper
Supplier: Propper
During any illness outbreak, early fever detection not only helps prevent the spread of illnesses, it also ensures faster treatment. Liquid crystal technology-based, an FDA registered forehead thermometer provide a simple, cost-effective tool for monitoring body temperature.
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